Handheld In-flight Entertainment

Gulf Air’s embedded digEplayer system exceeds expectations as L10s prepare to take flight

SPRINGVILLE, Utah April 5, 2012 – Announced at the 2011 Aircraft Interiors Expo, digEcor’s semi-embedded system on Gulf Air has been flying on a Boeing B737 aircraft for the last year with great success. The feedback from passengers and Gulf Air’s team has been very positive.

“Over the last year, we’ve only had two units fail while in-flight. Both were software issues that were easily resolved using digEcor’s noteworthy Content Update Station that also serves as a remote troubleshooting tool,” remarked digEcor Marketing Director Adam Williams.

The system consists of embedded digEplayer L7 units. EASA certified, the L7s use in-seat power, feature a PA-interrupt and have all content stored locally.

Senior IFE & Communications Manager Mohamad El Assad commented, “The digEcor Embedded Player (EMP) L7 has performed amazingly for Gulf Air. It has exceeded its Mean Time between Failure by almost triple and the system is functioning well with no indications for failure. The EMPs’ elegant design and robust architecture has provided significant quality product and savings in maintenance and logistics operation.”

The first ever semi-embedded system project was undertaken in January 2011, and completed in a record ten weeks, with a highly dedicated team and experienced professional team comprising Privatair (the Lessor), H4 Aerospace serving as the DOA (for design and certification), Avianor in the capacity of the MRO (for installation) and digEcor.

In other news, Gulf Air will soon take delivery of digEplayer L10 units. Just as its name suggests, the L10 has a 10 inch screen, and all of the features of the popular digEplayer L7. The L10s will be available to Premium Class passengers on Gulf Air’s 6 Airbus A330 aircraft as supplementary IFE.

About digEcor

digEcor provides the aerospace industry a low cost, turnkey in-flight entertainment solution by specializing in content sourcing and management, personal media platforms (PMPs), and end-to-end programs. With years of experience, digEcor focuses on increasing traveler satisfaction, creating easily executed solutions, and generating revenue opportunities for clients. Founded in 2000, digEcor is based in Springville, Utah, with additional offices in Seattle, Amsterdam, and Toulouse, France. For more information, visit www.digEcor.com or call 1-801-489-2022.

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