The decision to begin having a social presence was a slow one. There were several concerns that needed to be addressed. For example, our target audience is airline employees in a position to either make or influence the IFE purchase decision. That’s a pretty narrow group. How do you find those people online?

Geotainment: Using a moving map, the social map and ancillary revenue
“Where am I? What is that? What’s the story?” These are basic questions asked by all travelers. It’s not easy, however, to get satisfying answers at 35,000 feet while actually engaged in the act of flying from place to place. Our answer is geotainment: entertaining and informative content about the real world, customized for the airborne armchair explorer.

Analysis of how Twitter users felt about the APEX 2011 event [Infographic]
I was curious to see just how the industry (at least those using Twitter) responded to the 2011 Airline Passenger Experience Annual Conference and Exhibition last week. So I spent a little time analyzing the sentiment of tweets that used key phrases and hashtags.

How Consumers are Searching Online for Airlines
Since my job is to focus on all things marketing, I follow several online publications. One of my favorite’s, Hubspot, recently produced an Online Marketing Opportunity Report. At first, I was greedy and kept the information to myself. I’ve repented though and decided to share the valuable information with the industry.

What IFE and Content Blogs are Talking About
Have you ever seen a Wordle? It’s a fun little toy for generating “word clouds” from a group of text or an RSS feed. Basically, the wordle shows you what the blog or site talks about most. Bigger words are mentioned more often and are therefore more important.

ARAC 2010: Video Q&As with Shashank Nigam, Patrick Sojka, Ivor Smith and Chris Gardner
Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the annual Ancillary Revenue Airline Conference, which was hosted in conjunction with the FFP Loyalty Conference and Co-Brand Partnerships Conference. Altogether, the conference was called the Mega Event and held in chilly Montreal, Canada. While at the conference, I spoke with a few leaders in the industry about trends and what airlines can do to enhance their offerings

Airline Solutions Insider Blog Launch
Airline Solutions Insider has one simple objective: find and share the most thought-provoking and salient IFE&C news on the Internet. Our goal is not to promote digEcor and its products. But rather, participate responsibly in the IFE industry by starting discussions and joining conversations that are already happening online.