Last year, we released a passenger study addressing hot trends at the time. However, so much has changed since then. So today, we are happy to announce an updated 2011 Passenger Survey based on all new research.

About Adam Williams
With six years of IFE experience, Adam is currently a freelance writer for several industry publications and marketing consultant for vendors. He can be found online at and @SpeakWithAdam.
Will embedded IFE systems still be here in 5 years?
Brett Snyder, of CrankyFlier fame, asked this question at the recent APEX Technical Committee meeting in Burbank, California. For the record, embedded systems will absolutely be here for the next five years. To say otherwise is usually just self-serving. Let me give a couple of reasons why they aren’t going away in the short term.

Taking a closer look at connectivity provider Row44
In case you aren’t very familiar with Row44, it offers connectivity via ku-band satellite technology. I want to share a few things that I’ve learned from my discussions with some of Row44′s key leadership members.

VIDEO: Mary Kirby interviews Marketing Director Adam Williams at APEX 2011
Mary Kirby, of Runway Girl fame, was kind enough to interview digEcor Marketing Director Adam Williams at the annual APEX event in Seattle. We cover topics such as portable IFE, connectivity and our in-flight content services.

VIDEO: Candid responses from actual digEplayer L7 Users
Always anxious to get feedback from actual digEplayer users, I headed to a local farmers market with a camera guy and walked around handing the digEplayer L7 to random people. The video below captures the candid and honest comments from users.

Analysis of how Twitter users felt about the APEX 2011 event [Infographic]
I was curious to see just how the industry (at least those using Twitter) responded to the 2011 Airline Passenger Experience Annual Conference and Exhibition last week. So I spent a little time analyzing the sentiment of tweets that used key phrases and hashtags.

Will new COTS devices displace purpose-built PMPs in IFE?
Last week was the annual APEX Conference and Exhibition. And on more than one occasion, I was asked to talk about consumer-off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions versus purpose-built PMPS (like the digEplayer L7). Recently, more suppliers have come out offering re-purposed tablet devices - namely the iPad and not the Samsung Galaxy Tab.